Worried about complete proteins?

Vegan | December 24, 2017 | By

Many people have expressed concern about not getting all the aminos that are needed for health. While it is not true that each meal must have all the aminos present to make protein in your body, it is also not true that you will be sick if you don’t have them all. The number one question or statement I get is “how do you get all your protein.” Or “I only see sick vegans”. Let me just point out that I see far more sick “Standard American Diet” consumers than I see sick vegans.  It is true you can eat a very poor vegan diet and still stay or become sick.  This diet should be a diet of what you are choosing to eat vs what you are avoiding. e.g I am choosing to eat healthy foods vs I am avoiding meat or dairy. This internal message changes how you choose your food.  My friends are often willing to make me vegan versions of desserts etc, and I think this is very kind of them, but cake is still cake, vegan or not. 

So, moving onto the next point: 

The studies posted below describe that pigs fed a purely grain based diet (incomplete protein) ended up with the same body weight as pigs fed grain supplemented with Lysine. The reason the pigs ended up just as healthy is that the pigs adapted to the lack of Lysine in their diet by synthesizing Lysine in their gut.

The extrapolation is that you don’t need to consume all the amino acids (complete proteins) that everyone says you need to since your body can synthesize them. That is how developing world people can eat a grain based diet and be healthy.

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